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Toronto Live City Music Contest 



Registration Deadline:


  • Regular: Feb 20, 2019




Youth/ Teens  (12 - 18)   

Young Adult   (19 - 25)

Note: Age category is determined with an age of the competitor as of the date of the Preliminary Round. If requested, proof of age MUST be provided for each competitor.​


How to Enter Audition:


The audition is online and video based. Please follow the instructions below:


  1. Submit Entry Form

  2. Download APP for FREE from Apple Store or Google Play (Search " LiveCity)

  3. Upload 2-3 video of your rehearsal or performances (Select to join the next round is based on your video popularity)


**After your Entry Form is received you will be sent an email instruction regarding further preparation.





It is assumed that ALL content and ALL performances will be broadcast and recorded through the LiveCity APP. ALL contestants must sign a waiver agreeing to such a format. LiveCity contains software so that the content remains the artists’ content always. Anyone under 18 must have a parent or guardian sign on their behalf.


Repertoire categories:


Any Style including but not excluding Classical, Romantic, Contemporary, Impressionism

Opera/Operetta, Broadway, Musical Theater, Jazz, Blues, Dance, EDM, Hip Hop, Rap, etc. may be performed. Please try to keep profanity to a minimum.


Brand Name Recognition and Respect:


Once an individual enters the Toronto LiveCity Music Contest, they have become an ambassador of their musical instrument or group and LiveCity. Absolutely NO racist, profanity or disrespectful content will be accepted. Damage to the brand will not be tolerated. LiveCity has the right to disqualify ANY violators of our Brand Name Recognition and Respect at ANY time for ANY reason LiveCity deems applicable.


Preliminary Round


The repertoire should include one (1) to two (2) original compositions not to exceed 10 minutes in length. It can be performed from memory or with the aide of a paper or electronic manuscript. The performance will be stopped, and score reduced if the competitor exceeds the allotted time. Dozens of solo performers and groups will be selected entirely based on their fan base (100%). This round will take place in small bars around the GTA and will have a similar division of instrumentation and style of music in each location.


Semi-Final Round


The repertoire should include one (1) to two (2) original compositions not to exceed 10 minutes in length and must be different from the composition presented during the Preliminary Round. It can be performed from memory or with the aide of a paper or electronic manuscript. The performance will be stopped, and score reduced if the competitor exceeds the allotted time. Approximately 20 solo artists and 15 bands will be chosen based on their fan base (50%) and the appointed judges’ opinions (50%). This round will take place in a Theatre in the GTA.


Final Round – Date: Mid April 2019


The top competitors (approximately 5 solo artists, and 5 groups for each category) based on their appointed judged average score from the Preliminary and Semi-Final rounds, as well as their fan base, within each age category are selected to move on to the Final Round of the competition. This FINAL PERFORMANCE will have tickets sold to the public and your fan base. This FINAL ROUND will take place in a large facility in the GTA. Top competitors will be judged by judges and a LIVE VOTE inside the facility by the audience.




Each judge will evaluate the competitors on a number of criteria, such as range, artistic ability, technique, interpretation, phrasing and presence, entertainment value among others, and will assign a score. The scores from all judges will then be averaged and the average score will determine your level. Please note that the decision of the judges is final. The scoring sheets with the judges’ feedback will be returned to the performers or teachers, if present.


Award level (Final Round only):


Platinum: 95-100

Gold: 95-85

Silver: 84-70

Bronze: 69-50




Total Cash Prizes: $10,000


All participants will receive recognition at the conclusion of each round of the contest on the LiveCity APP. The following prizes and awards may be presented to competitors at the Awards Ceremony at the conclusion of the Final Round. Competitors must be present during the Awards Ceremony to receive their awards. Each age category will have the same prize breakdown:


Total Cash Prize Outlay


1st Place for Best Group / Band

2nd Place for Best Group / Band

3rd Place for Best Group / Band


1st Place for Best Vocalist

2nd Place for Best Vocalist

3rd Place for Best Vocalist


1st Place for Best Keyboardist

2nd Place for Best Keyboardist

3rd Place for Best Keyboardist


1st Place for Best Guitarist

2nd Place for Best Guitarist

3rd Place for Best Guitarist


1st Place for Best Percussionist

2nd Place for Best Percussionist

3rd Place for Best Percussionist


1st Place for Best Instrumentalist

2nd Place for Best Instrumentalist

3rd Place for Best Instrumentalist


These awards will be presented to the competitors or groups with the best musical, technical, entertainment and artistic ability across all age categories and the one who also receives a high average score from the judges and their fans.


Certificate of Achievement Award


All competitors will receive a Certificate of Achievement Award.


All awards and prizes will be awarded unless there is an insufficient number of eligible participants in a particular category or the judges determine that the quality of the competitor’s performance does not warrant a prize/award. If there is a tie for a Platinum or 1st Prize Award, the scores from the prior round(s) will be used to determine the winner. If there is still a tie, the President of LiveCity reserves the right to determine the winner. Prizes and awards are non-assignable / non-transferable. Cash awards are paid in CANADIAN, currency conversions to local currency are at winner's expense at the time of conversion. All federal, provincial, autonomous, and local taxes are the sole responsibility of the winners.




LiveCity does not provide an accompanist currently. LiveCity will however, provide a full TECH TEAM that can work with all musicians for audio support (i.e. Full Sound System, Monitors, Backtrack support, etc.). Therefore, please make sure you notify LiveCity with all your audio requirements. If you have a RIDER, please forward it to LiveCity (LiveCity cannot guarantee that RIDERs will be followed).




Competitors are responsible for their own travel expenses as well as their accompanists’ travel and accommodation expenses.




Proper dress attire is required. We must adhere to Broadcast Standards, so, please NO dress shorter than a knee level, revealing tops or bottoms, flip flops, open-toe shoes, shorts, tank tops, or t-shirts with profanity.




Please note that photography and videotaping is highly encouraged for broadcast on the LiveCity APP during the competition.




By submitting an entry form, each entrant, parent or legal guardian (if such entrant is a minor) authorizes the use of competitor's name, photo, audio and/or video recording for the publicity and advertisement purposes related to the competition by the LiveCity APP.




LiveCityTM, (referred to as LiveCity) is not responsible for and shall not be held liable for (a) lost, late, delayed, damaged, incomplete, illegible, unintelligible, or misdirected entries; (b) telephone, electronic, hardware or software program, network, Internet, or computer malfunctions, failures, or difficulties of any kind; (c) failed, incomplete, partial, garbled, or delayed computer transmissions; (d) any condition caused by events beyond the control of the  LiveCity APP that may cause the contest to be disrupted; (e) any printing or typographical errors in any materials associated with the contest; (f) any claims, suits, actions, liabilities, injuries, losses, or damages of any kind in connection with the contest or resulting from acceptance, possession, or use of any prizes and awards. 

By entering this contest, each entrant, parent or legal guardian (if such entrant is a minor) agrees to accept these rules and be bound by the decisions of LiveCity, its judges and staff, which are final and binding in all matters. 

All rules and regulations are governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario and are subject to change without notice. 




You may enter the contest by submitting the Entry Form. Please ensure that your Entry Form is legible and complete and is received by the deadline . Otherwise, it will not be considered.






Copywrites © 2017 LiveCity.  All rights reserved.

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